How are you Breathing? It Matters…

Breathing is the most unglamorous,taken-for-granted routine we have. Why does something we can’t live without go so overlooked? Why are people I know having to take breathing classes? Maybe it’s because so many of us are chronically overworked,stressed out,and suffering from physical or emotional symptoms. They’re so overwhelmed they forget to breathe,or do so in a shallow,tight-chested way. More and more research is showing that focused breath work can help us relax,and also determine our thoughts and moods  through our central nervous system. Examining our breath,and learning to control it,should be the first avenue we take when we think of solutions to our daily worries and symptoms. Every breath we take can nurture,console,and bring us into the present moment. Maybe deep breathing just seems too easy. Try it now. You feel better,right? Let me know how it goes.


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